
What to Buy For Baby’s Arrival

What Essential Items Do You Need for the Arrival of Your New Baby?

If you’re a parent-to-be, then you know that having a baby can be equal parts exciting and overwhelming. There are so many things to think about – from creating the perfect nursery to stocking up on all the necessary supplies. With so much to consider, it can be difficult to know where to start! What are the essential items that you need to put on the list of things you need for baby’s arrival?


Baby Essentials: Newborn Clothing

When it comes to clothing, you don’t need to break the bank for your list of baby needs. In fact, babies grow so fast that they might not even wear most of the clothes you buy them! I know mine didn’t! It’s still important to have several options available though. I recommend stocking up on basic baby grows in multiple sizes (0-3 months, 3-6 months, etc.) as well as some warmer winter items (think a pram suit and sweaters). If you want something a bit more special for photos or outings, consider investing in a few more statement pieces like rompers, dresses or nice trousers. I love Zara, H&M, Matalan, George by Asda and Morrison’s for adorable high street baby fashion.


Baby Essentials: Nappies

These two items may seem like obvious necessities but they are worth mentioning nonetheless! Cloth or disposable nappies? Consider factors such as convenience, cost and budget when making your decision. As far as wipes go, make sure you get plenty since you will likely be going through them quickly! You also want ones that are gentle on baby’s skin but still effective at cleaning up messes. I love Pampers “Sensitive” wipes as I find they are softest.


Baby Essentials: Cot and Car Seat

A safe place for baby to sleep is top priority! Bedside cots are a great option for safe sleeping. They keep baby close and safe. I love the Snuz Pod 4 and many of my clients rave about the Snoo Smart Sleeper which rocks baby itself and safely swaddles. Car seats are another must-have item; make sure yours meets safety standards before putting your baby in it! I love the Joie ispin 360 which fits all ages, newborn up to toddler! These two items are most essential and a great investment for a new baby’s arrival.


Here’s a list of the absolute essential items for your newborn baby’s arrival:

Elvie portable breast pump

-breast pump

-milk storage bag


-nursing pillow

-baby bottles




-bedside cot, sheets and mattress

-nursing chair

-car seat

-car seat mirror

-changing pad

-travel changing pad

-nappie bag

-nappies and wipes

-nappie cream (I love Bepanthen)


-baby carrier ( I love the Moby wrap or the Ergo Embrace carrier for newborns)

-Baby seat or swing

-high chair


-baby bath


-soft wash cloths

-baby soap

-thermometer and hygiene kit

-nasal aspirator (the Nose Frida is amazing)


-White noise machine



-baby grows and vests


-pram suit (depending on season)

-baby hats

-fancy outfits

-the Owlet (a monitor that alerts you when baby has an irregular heartbeat)
